Tuesday update!

Can I just say how much fun this has been to watch this site grow?!?!?! I’m sad that it has to be because Fox (stupidly) decided they were going to cancel The Finder, but I just think it’s neat how the fans aren’t just laying down and saying “Oh well.” They’re banding together to show how important quality television is!

Today was really great. We had $30 in new donations come through. WOOOHOOO!!! We’re now at $70. I am going to make a challenge to everyone who has been on the fence about whether to donate or not. I think we can hit $200 total on Wednesday. Yeah, that is a huge jump, but considering how the numbers on the petition has grown (I’ll get to that in a moment) I bet we can do it! Make sure to put the donation in Walter Sherman’s name, and that you’re having the donations sent to the addresses listed! Then send me an email and let me know how much! Donation info here.

Petition totals! At Noon 5/15, we had 4,614 signatures. At 1am 5/16, that number has jumped to 5,153! On the 14th (not sure of the time) we had 3,459. So you can see the amazing growth there! We have had Geoff Stults, Maddie Hasson, AND Hart Hanson retweet about the petition! Yay! Petition site!

Amber, the creator of the Save The Finder group on Facebook has started a movement to have fans mail a map of their state to both Fox and USA. On the map, we’re going to write “Save The Finder”. Maps shouldn’t be mailed until May 26th, so that mailboxes will get flooded with letters and maps! Send a Map Event info.

Site totals! 382 hits on Tuesday! Countries include, US, United Kingdom, Canada, Portugal, New Zealand, Norway, Brazil, Netherlands, Germany, Philippines, and France. Am I the only one who thinks how incredibly NEAT it is, that this is a truly GLOBAL movement!

I’ve also updated the addresses, sites, and donation info to keep things current. I hope it’s been useful!

Keep spreading the word everyone! I believe this is working! 😀

Categories: Uncategorized | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “Tuesday update!

  1. leo

    is there a way to donate in GBP? (Great British Pounds)

  2. Glad I found your blog. I am a fellow “The Finder” fan and can’t believe FOX cancelled it! I just did a blog post on my personal blog encouraging people to visit your site, sign the petition, and participate in the map event: http://scottcouey.com/2012/05/16/save-the-finder/

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